This short devotional book is written by Mrs. Lettie Cowman, well known author of the classic devotional Streams in the Desert.
Psalms in the Night is a collection of 20 psalms from the Old Testament (including Psalms 23 and 100).
Faith, Hope and Love is a selection of verses from the Old and New Testaments.
Chapter Two from For the Best Things by J.R. Miller.
Go Forward is a short devotional book by J.R. Miller
For the first week of Advent, this is an excerpt from The Silver Lining by John Henry Jowett and published in 1907.
For the second week of Advent, this is an excerpt from the book In Perfect Peace written by James Russell Miller and published in 1902.
For the third week of Advent, this is an excerpt from The High Calling written by John Henry Jowett and published in 1909.
For the fourth week of Advent, this is an excerpt from For The Best Things written by James Russell Miller and published in 1907.